[IE] Popo

Total Score: 773555

Average lifespan per spawn: 1min 21.76sec
Total rounds: 2452 - 1306 | 0 | 1146
Faction win rates (set wins)๐Ÿ›ก

46 / 39


83 / 41


70 / 65


26 / 35


53 / 42


71 / 62

Kills ๐Ÿ’ข
๐Ÿ”ช Melee kills:2113
๐Ÿน Ranged kills:484
๐Ÿฅ Throwing kills:60
๐Ÿด Mounted melee kills:2655
๐Ÿด Mounted ranged kills:23
๐Ÿด Mounted throwing kills:4
โ›‘ Assists:3707
Avg. assists per round:1.51
Total kills:5339
Avg. kills per round:2.18
Deaths โ˜ 
๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by melee:1866
๐Ÿน Deaths by bow/crossbow:373
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by throwing:57
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted melee:1447
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted ranged:9
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted throwing:6
๐Ÿš Suicides:2
Total deaths (without tk):3760
Total deaths (including tk):3855
Damage ๐Ÿฉธ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:201822
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:61897
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:6923
๐Ÿด Mounted melee damage:311514
๐Ÿด Mounted ranged damage:2879
๐Ÿด Mounted throwing damage:519
๐Ÿ‡ Damage to (enemy) horses:350316
Total damage:585554
Avg. melee damage per round:209.35
Avg. ranged damage per round:29.45
Avg. damage per round:238.81
Ranged accuracy ๐ŸŽฏ
๐Ÿน Shots (arrows/bolts):8057
๐Ÿน Hits (arrows/bolts):1551
๐Ÿน Shield hits (arrows/bolts):1593
๐Ÿน Headshots (arrows/bolts):448
๐Ÿฅ Thrown missiles:1015
๐Ÿฅ Hit throwings:209
๐Ÿฅ Shield hits (throwing):193
๐Ÿฅ HS throwing:35
A/B HR:23.99 %HS rate:28.88 %
T HR:25.43 %HS rate:16.75 %
Note: Hit shields will be negated with shot missiles / thrown missiles, so they do not affect your hitrate.
Special stats ๐Ÿ“Š
๐Ÿ‘ข Hit kicks:209
๐ŸฅŠ Onehit an enemy:240
โ˜  Got onehit:199
๐Ÿคบ Chainattack kills:33
๐ŸŽ Horse bump kills:0
๐Ÿ Couched enemies:75
โ›ฐ Shot someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Threw someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Kicked someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Hit someone off a ledge:0
Friendly fire delivered ๐Ÿคญ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:5767
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:3003
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:119
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee damage:6986
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged damage:28
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing damage:11
๐Ÿ‡ Total horse damage:10631
Total teamdamage:15914
Avg. melee teamdamage per round:5.20
Avg. ranged teamdamage per round:1.29
Avg. teamdamage per round:6.49

๐Ÿ”ช Melee teamkills:46
๐Ÿน Ranged teamkills:19
๐Ÿฅ Throwing teamkills:3
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee teamkills:37
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged teamkills:1
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing teamkills:0
Total teamkills:106
Friendly fire received ๐Ÿคฌ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:7987
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:1558
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:298
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee damage:3764
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged damage:26
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing damage:0
๐Ÿ‡ Total horse teamdamage:10631
Total teamdamage received:13633

๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by melee:47
๐Ÿน Deaths by bow/crossbow:17
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by throwing:3
๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by mounted melee::28
๐Ÿน Deaths by mounted ranged::0
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by mounted throwing::0
Total deaths by teammates:95


#Faction 1Faction 2Team 1Team 2Date


Empire empireAserai aserai

Team [DM] troechka (6)

Team [VoV] pyncook (1)

14.9.2024, 19:01


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [IE] Inspired Cav (3)

Team [DM] Beast the Jesus Christ Man (6)

14.9.2024, 18:32


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [DM] Beast the Jesus Christ Man (6)

Team [VD] Garry Warband (3)

14.9.2024, 03:26


Sturgia sturgiaVlandia vlandia

Team [VD] Garry Warband (6)

Team [DM] Beast the Jesus Christ Man (1)

14.9.2024, 02:54


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [HINQ] Matim (6)

Team [SVCI] pope (0)

14.9.2024, 02:21


Sturgia sturgiaVlandia vlandia

Team [VD] Garry Warband (6)

Team [DM] Beast the Jesus Christ Man (0)

14.9.2024, 01:55


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [DM] Beast the Jesus Christ Man (6)

Team [VoV] pyncook (0)

14.9.2024, 01:31


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [IE] Popo (3)

Team [SVRN] Nomis (3)

13.9.2024, 21:50


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [STIX] Adderall Admiral (6)

Team [TCV] KAMBY (0)

13.9.2024, 21:22


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [IE] DL of Rhodes (1)

Team [HINQ] sensei (6)

13.9.2024, 20:51


Battania battaniaSturgia sturgia

Team [VoV] Polohaha (2)

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (6)

13.9.2024, 04:50


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (3)

Team [IE] Popo (3)

13.9.2024, 04:04


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [DoF] krex (4)

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (5)

13.9.2024, 03:38


Khuzait khuzaitEmpire empire

Team [RMS] Nutella The Showmaker (5)

Team [DR] Paex (4)

12.9.2024, 21:06


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [RMS] Nutella The Showmaker (5)

Team [VW] chupapi (5)

12.9.2024, 20:30


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team [RMS] Krisee Pookie of Salvation (1)

Team [Host] Julian v. Hipper (6)

12.9.2024, 19:43


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [VoV] blackmore99 (6)

Team [Pozo] [CI] Jakhline (4)

12.9.2024, 19:17


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [GHRS] Ramiro (4)

Team [IE] Popo (5)

11.9.2024, 19:44


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [Host] Julian v. Hipper (1)

Team [IE] Inspired Cav (6)

11.9.2024, 19:13


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [SVRN] Kloney (4)

Team [VoV] Bury Zenek (5)

11.9.2024, 18:36


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team [RDLL] Professor (1)

Team [TCV] Kid Buu (6)

11.9.2024, 17:57


Khuzait khuzaitEmpire empire

Team [VoV] G H X S T (5)

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (5)

11.9.2024, 05:00


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team [IE] Inspired Cav (3)

Team [Eque] Regnum Teutonicum ist Megatron (4)

11.9.2024, 02:54


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [KHG] Merle (6)

Team [VD] Garry Warband (1)

11.9.2024, 02:23


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [VD] Garry Warband (6)

Team [TCV] KAMBY (1)

11.9.2024, 01:49


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (2)

Team [STIX] TheGioMan (6)

11.9.2024, 00:54


Battania battaniaAserai aserai

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (5)

Team [KHG] Mert (3)

11.9.2024, 00:23


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [HINQ] Matim (3)

Team [KHG] Mert (4)

10.9.2024, 02:19


Aserai aseraiEmpire empire

Team [HINQ] Matim (3)

Team [Wonw] [CI] Hispano (6)

10.9.2024, 01:49


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team ViciousFate (4)

Team [CI]kuadry (4)

10.9.2024, 01:04


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [VW] bard Iscariot (3)

Team [DM] Beast the Jesus Christ Man (4)

9.9.2024, 03:42


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team [VW] bard Iscariot (6)

Team [STIX] czarrny naleล›nik (3)

9.9.2024, 03:04


Empire empireAserai aserai

Team [IE] Popo (5)

Team [VW] bard Iscariot (5)

9.9.2024, 02:27


Battania battaniaAserai aserai

Team [VะLE] Merihem (5)

Team [VW] bard Iscariot (5)

9.9.2024, 01:43


Aserai aseraiEmpire empire

Team [VW] bard Iscariot (0)

Team [DoF] Majenta (6)

9.9.2024, 01:01


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (1)

Team [UE] Gla (0)

8.9.2024, 02:14


Battania battaniaAserai aserai

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (6)

Team [VD] Barry Warband (2)

8.9.2024, 02:04


Aserai aseraiKhuzait khuzait

Team ChubbyCat (3)

Team [KHG] Inspire Pookie of Perfection (4)

8.9.2024, 01:21


Battania battaniaKhuzait khuzait

Team [Eque] Shmek (5)

Team [VะLE] [VoV] . (4)

7.9.2024, 02:50


Sturgia sturgiaVlandia vlandia

Team [IE] Popo (6)

Team [VW] chupapi (2)

7.9.2024, 02:17


Empire empireAserai aserai

Team [IE] Popo (3)

Team NoLo (6)

6.9.2024, 22:11


Aserai aseraiEmpire empire

Team [ะะก] GingyAjax (6)

Team [DM] troechka (3)

6.9.2024, 21:33


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [VLND] Arthur Pendragon (5)

Team [KHG] Merle (3)

6.9.2024, 20:53


Khuzait khuzaitEmpire empire

Team [RDLL] RaiNdRopz (0)

Team [SVRN] Aquilax of Rhodes (6)

6.9.2024, 19:50


Khuzait khuzaitVlandia vlandia

Team [RMS] hakai the Pookie Apprentice (4)

Team [RMS] Krisee Pookie of Salvation (6)

6.9.2024, 01:09


Aserai aseraiEmpire empire


Team [STIX] TheGioMan (6)

6.9.2024, 00:31


Battania battaniaSturgia sturgia

Team Azrael (1)

Team [IE] the chosen one (6)

5.9.2024, 20:20


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team [VLND] Arthur Pendragon (0)

Team [IE] Popo (6)

5.9.2024, 19:57


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [ะะก] [Eque] Alsandair (1)

Team [ASTA] Lumierรฉ (6)

5.9.2024, 17:59


Sturgia sturgiaVlandia vlandia

Team [VoV] Bury Zenek (2)

Team [DR] Firunien (6)

5.9.2024, 16:31