Total Score: 177273

Average lifespan per spawn: 1min 22.66sec
Total rounds: 639 - 355 | 0 | 284
Faction win rates (set wins)๐Ÿ›ก

27 / 13


17 / 12


15 / 14


9 / 17


13 / 9


17 / 7

Kills ๐Ÿ’ข
๐Ÿ”ช Melee kills:1285
๐Ÿน Ranged kills:65
๐Ÿฅ Throwing kills:76
๐Ÿด Mounted melee kills:14
๐Ÿด Mounted ranged kills:0
๐Ÿด Mounted throwing kills:1
โ›‘ Assists:804
Avg. assists per round:1.26
Total kills:1441
Avg. kills per round:2.26
Deaths โ˜ 
๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by melee:588
๐Ÿน Deaths by bow/crossbow:92
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by throwing:30
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted melee:263
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted ranged:10
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted throwing:3
๐Ÿš Suicides:0
Total deaths (without tk):986
Total deaths (including tk):1032
Damage ๐Ÿฉธ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:119320
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:7410
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:10072
๐Ÿด Mounted melee damage:1786
๐Ÿด Mounted ranged damage:90
๐Ÿด Mounted throwing damage:25
๐Ÿ‡ Damage to (enemy) horses:58147
Total damage:138703
Avg. melee damage per round:189.52
Avg. ranged damage per round:27.54
Avg. damage per round:217.06
Ranged accuracy ๐ŸŽฏ
๐Ÿน Shots (arrows/bolts):997
๐Ÿน Hits (arrows/bolts):206
๐Ÿน Shield hits (arrows/bolts):188
๐Ÿน Headshots (arrows/bolts):21
๐Ÿฅ Thrown missiles:1252
๐Ÿฅ Hit throwings:247
๐Ÿฅ Shield hits (throwing):212
๐Ÿฅ HS throwing:33
A/B HR:25.46 %HS rate:10.19 %
T HR:23.75 %HS rate:13.36 %
Note: Hit shields will be negated with shot missiles / thrown missiles, so they do not affect your hitrate.
Special stats ๐Ÿ“Š
๐Ÿ‘ข Hit kicks:164
๐ŸฅŠ Onehit an enemy:16
โ˜  Got onehit:22
๐Ÿคบ Chainattack kills:10
๐ŸŽ Horse bump kills:0
๐Ÿ Couched enemies:1
โ›ฐ Shot someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Threw someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Kicked someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Hit someone off a ledge:0
Friendly fire delivered ๐Ÿคญ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:3023
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:442
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:475
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee damage:0
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged damage:0
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing damage:0
๐Ÿ‡ Total horse damage:3202
Total teamdamage:3940
Avg. melee teamdamage per round:4.73
Avg. ranged teamdamage per round:1.44
Avg. teamdamage per round:6.17

๐Ÿ”ช Melee teamkills:20
๐Ÿน Ranged teamkills:2
๐Ÿฅ Throwing teamkills:2
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee teamkills:0
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged teamkills:0
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing teamkills:0
Total teamkills:24
Friendly fire received ๐Ÿคฌ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:3463
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:1512
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:104
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee damage:2120
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged damage:64
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing damage:34
๐Ÿ‡ Total horse teamdamage:3202
Total teamdamage received:7297

๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by melee:21
๐Ÿน Deaths by bow/crossbow:9
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by throwing:1
๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by mounted melee::14
๐Ÿน Deaths by mounted ranged::0
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by mounted throwing::1
Total deaths by teammates:46


#Faction 1Faction 2Team 1Team 2Date


Khuzait khuzaitVlandia vlandia

Team MrAsh (6)

Team [DR] Roman (2)

20.2.2024, 22:31


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team [DR] BD (3)

Team ChubbyCat (4)

20.2.2024, 21:56


Empire empireKhuzait khuzait

Team [RM] CARNIFEX (6)

Team [SVRN] Nex (1)

28.1.2024, 20:04


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team [DR] BD (6)

Team [TCV] KAMBY (2)

28.1.2024, 19:31


Khuzait khuzaitBattania battania

Team [IE] [KOH]Kenny an cruรกlach (6)

Team [HINQ] Matim (0)

27.1.2024, 19:39


Battania battaniaAserai aserai

Team [VoV] pyncook (0)

Team [DM] Mega (6)

6.1.2024, 00:38


Vlandia vlandiaAserai aserai

Team [VW] Authari (5)

Team [Eque] Camm15elbe (4)

30.11.2023, 01:23


Aserai aseraiSturgia sturgia

Team [Eque] Camm15elbe (2)

Team [Rร˜] Ondine la Badine (6)

21.11.2023, 23:08


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team dontworry (6)

Team Indar (3)

13.11.2023, 18:30


Sturgia sturgiaKhuzait khuzait

Team [IE] Popo (6)

Team [SGM] WaLkEr (1)

13.11.2023, 17:46


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [VoV] Bury Zenek (0)

Team [Rร˜] Dark (6)

13.11.2023, 00:38


Vlandia vlandiaAserai aserai

Team [HINQ] Noir (1)

Team [Eque] Camm15elbe (6)

5.11.2023, 19:29


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [Rร˜] [VD] Larry Warband (5)

Team [IE] Popo (4)

5.11.2023, 18:55


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [VW] beran (6)

Team [STIX] Kassia (0)

4.11.2023, 01:13


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [าœoL] Nacho (4)

Team [IE] ambition (4)

3.11.2023, 20:59


Khuzait khuzaitSturgia sturgia

Team [DR] ritter (1)

Team [KHG] TraxS (6)

2.11.2023, 19:00


Battania battaniaAserai aserai

Team [Eque] Camm15elbe (3)

Team [DR] TheRealPablo (4)

2.11.2023, 18:00


Aserai aseraiBattania battania

Team [WTF] Dest (2)

Team [Eque] Camm15elbe (6)

2.11.2023, 17:29


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [IE] ambition (6)

Team [DM] Argentum (1)

1.11.2023, 22:22


Empire empireKhuzait khuzait

Team [KHG] the rAt (4)

Team [IE] ambition (5)

1.11.2023, 21:56


Sturgia sturgiaAserai aserai

Team [Rร˜] Ondine la Badine (6)

Team [VW] will savage come back?! (2)

1.11.2023, 21:10


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team [VW] beran (4)

Team [VY] aethelwulf (3)

31.10.2023, 01:22


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [SGM] WaLkEr (6)

Team Relynar (1)

31.10.2023, 00:36


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [HINQ] HANWER (0)

Team [Rร˜] Ondine la Badine (6)

30.10.2023, 22:58


Aserai aseraiKhuzait khuzait

Team [HINQ] sensei (3)

Team [IE] ambition (6)

30.10.2023, 22:26


Aserai aseraiBattania battania

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (4)

Team [ะะก] GingyAjax (3)

30.10.2023, 00:54


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [STIX] TheGioMan (5)

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (4)

30.10.2023, 00:24


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [SGM] WaLkEr (5)

Team [Eque] Camm15elbe (4)

29.10.2023, 18:23


Aserai aseraiKhuzait khuzait

Team [Eque] Camm15elbe (6)

Team [IE] ambition (1)

29.10.2023, 17:46


Aserai aseraiEmpire empire

Team [IE] Popo (5)

Team [HINQ] Matim (3)

29.10.2023, 17:08


Khuzait khuzaitVlandia vlandia

Team [IE] Popo (6)

Team [DR] OneClips (0)

29.10.2023, 16:30


Empire empireAserai aserai

Team [IE] Popo (5)

Team MrAsh (5)

29.10.2023, 16:11


Empire empireAserai aserai

Team [DR] OneClips (3)

Team [HINQ] HANWER (4)

29.10.2023, 01:13


Aserai aseraiKhuzait khuzait

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (6)

Team [TCV] KAMBY (1)

29.10.2023, 00:46


Aserai aseraiKhuzait khuzait

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (5)

Team [IE] Popo (3)

28.10.2023, 03:05


Vlandia vlandiaAserai aserai

Team [IUo] 500th (3)

Team [HINQ] Matim (3)

28.10.2023, 02:20


Empire empireKhuzait khuzait

Team [HINQ] Matim (1)

Team [IE] Popo (6)

28.10.2023, 01:43


Khuzait khuzaitAserai aserai

Team [Pozo] Retamar (5)

Team [VะLE] crozy (4)

25.10.2023, 20:19


Khuzait khuzaitSturgia sturgia

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (5)

Team [VW] chupapi (3)

22.10.2023, 19:13


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [KHG] Vicente (5)

Team [SGM] Silver (4)

22.10.2023, 18:36


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (6)

Team [STIX] Kassia (2)

22.10.2023, 18:00


Khuzait khuzaitVlandia vlandia

Team [DoF] clitocybe amoenolens (4)

Team Dextrus the weebslayer (5)

22.10.2023, 16:36


Battania battaniaKhuzait khuzait

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (3)

Team [ะะก] Pharaoh (3)

22.10.2023, 03:23


Sturgia sturgiaAserai aserai

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (6)

Team [STIX] Kassia (0)

22.10.2023, 02:54


Khuzait khuzaitAserai aserai

Team [KHG] Mert (4)

Team [STIX] Kassia (5)

21.10.2023, 02:57


Aserai aseraiEmpire empire

Team [DM] troechka (5)

Team [IE] BONK (3)

21.10.2023, 02:09


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [VW] chupapi (6)

Team [VะLE] [VW] Vherem (1)

21.10.2023, 00:41


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [VSC] R E D (4)

Team [Rร˜] Dark (4)

20.10.2023, 01:59


Aserai aseraiSturgia sturgia

Team [HINQ] sensei (6)

Team [TCV] KAMBY (3)

20.10.2023, 01:23


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [KofH] rFocus (0)

Team [DR] Firunien (6)

19.10.2023, 21:54