[ALMO] Dartharnau

Total Score: 49336

Average lifespan per spawn: 1min 17.47sec
Total rounds: 283 - 139 | 0 | 144
Faction win rates (set wins)๐Ÿ›ก

5 / 4


9 / 4


6 / 14


0 / 2


7 / 6


12 / 11

Kills ๐Ÿ’ข
๐Ÿ”ช Melee kills:347
๐Ÿน Ranged kills:8
๐Ÿฅ Throwing kills:0
๐Ÿด Mounted melee kills:0
๐Ÿด Mounted ranged kills:0
๐Ÿด Mounted throwing kills:0
โ›‘ Assists:259
Avg. assists per round:0.92
Total kills:355
Avg. kills per round:1.25
Deaths โ˜ 
๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by melee:292
๐Ÿน Deaths by bow/crossbow:36
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by throwing:2
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted melee:113
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted ranged:0
๐Ÿด Deaths by mounted throwing:0
๐Ÿš Suicides:0
Total deaths (without tk):443
Total deaths (including tk):454
Damage ๐Ÿฉธ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:39027
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:1182
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:184
๐Ÿด Mounted melee damage:12
๐Ÿด Mounted ranged damage:0
๐Ÿด Mounted throwing damage:0
๐Ÿ‡ Damage to (enemy) horses:16372
Total damage:40405
Avg. melee damage per round:137.95
Avg. ranged damage per round:4.83
Avg. damage per round:142.77
Ranged accuracy ๐ŸŽฏ
๐Ÿน Shots (arrows/bolts):152
๐Ÿน Hits (arrows/bolts):30
๐Ÿน Shield hits (arrows/bolts):30
๐Ÿน Headshots (arrows/bolts):3
๐Ÿฅ Thrown missiles:30
๐Ÿฅ Hit throwings:3
๐Ÿฅ Shield hits (throwing):7
๐Ÿฅ HS throwing:0
A/B HR:24.59 %HS rate:10.00 %
T HR:13.04 %HS rate:0.00 %
Note: Hit shields will be negated with shot missiles / thrown missiles, so they do not affect your hitrate.
Special stats ๐Ÿ“Š
๐Ÿ‘ข Hit kicks:32
๐ŸฅŠ Onehit an enemy:3
โ˜  Got onehit:8
๐Ÿคบ Chainattack kills:1
๐ŸŽ Horse bump kills:0
๐Ÿ Couched enemies:0
โ›ฐ Shot someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Threw someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Kicked someone off a ledge:0
โ›ฐ Hit someone off a ledge:0
Friendly fire delivered ๐Ÿคญ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:1263
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:46
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:14
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee damage:0
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged damage:0
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing damage:0
๐Ÿ‡ Total horse damage:1648
Total teamdamage:1323
Avg. melee teamdamage per round:4.46
Avg. ranged teamdamage per round:0.21
Avg. teamdamage per round:4.67

๐Ÿ”ช Melee teamkills:4
๐Ÿน Ranged teamkills:1
๐Ÿฅ Throwing teamkills:0
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee teamkills:0
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged teamkills:0
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing teamkills:0
Total teamkills:5
Friendly fire received ๐Ÿคฌ
๐Ÿ”ช Melee damage:939
๐Ÿน Ranged damage:281
๐Ÿฅ Throwing damage:24
๐Ÿ”ช Mounted melee damage:1004
๐Ÿน Mounted ranged damage:0
๐Ÿฅ Mounted throwing damage:0
๐Ÿ‡ Total horse teamdamage:1648
Total teamdamage received:2248

๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by melee:3
๐Ÿน Deaths by bow/crossbow:1
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by throwing:0
๐Ÿ”ช Deaths by mounted melee::7
๐Ÿน Deaths by mounted ranged::0
๐Ÿฅ Deaths by mounted throwing::0
Total deaths by teammates:11


#Faction 1Faction 2Team 1Team 2Date


Battania battaniaVlandia vlandia

Team [ALMO] PauCat (6)

Team [UE] Zulu (2)

15.10.2024, 22:47


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (5)


3.10.2024, 03:15


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [CI] Toni (4)

Team 2 (4)

30.9.2024, 03:39


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team AgonY (2)

Team 2 (6)

30.9.2024, 03:05


Empire empireAserai aserai

Team [IE] R (1)

Team [DR] ritter (6)

28.9.2024, 21:47


Aserai aseraiBattania battania

Team ViciousFate (2)

Team NoLo (6)

28.9.2024, 21:21


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (6)

Team [SVRN] Kloney (2)

28.9.2024, 06:37


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team [SVRN] Kloney (3)

Team [CI] Asediado (3)

28.9.2024, 06:04


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team [TCV] Thyrell (6)

Team [ALMO] Ghostopo (0)

28.9.2024, 05:39


Aserai aseraiBattania battania

Team [ALMO] Dartharnau (6)

Team [DM] Beast the Godking (2)

28.9.2024, 05:16


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [TCV] Thyrell (4)

Team [Nร˜RS] UBBA (4)

28.9.2024, 04:08


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [ALMO] Parca (5)

Team Apenimon (3)

28.9.2024, 03:27


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [KHG] Rotseakh (6)

Team Apenimon (0)

28.9.2024, 02:53


Vlandia vlandiaAserai aserai

Team [HINQ] Matim (6)

Team [SVRN] Kloney (0)

20.9.2024, 21:59


Khuzait khuzaitVlandia vlandia

Team KORSAN (4)

Team ฤaburon (4)

19.9.2024, 20:53


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [DM] Beast the Godking (6)

Team [VะLE] Nightingale (3)

19.9.2024, 20:17


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [VะLE] Nightingale (2)

Team ฤaburon (6)

19.9.2024, 19:32


Battania battaniaVlandia vlandia


Team [DoF] clitocybe amoenolens (4)

19.9.2024, 04:33


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team [DM] Beast the Godking (4)

Team [IE] DL of Rhodes (4)

19.9.2024, 04:04


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire


Team CaVVaLieRe (3)

19.9.2024, 03:21


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [SVRN] Kloney (6)

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (0)

19.9.2024, 02:36


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team [BDCT] Farmer Bill [A54] (3)

Team [HINQ] Matim (6)

19.9.2024, 02:08


Aserai aseraiBattania battania

Team NoLo (1)

Team [KHG] Eos (6)

18.9.2024, 04:22


Aserai aseraiEmpire empire

Team [ALMO] Dartharnau (3)

Team [DM] Beast the Godking (5)

18.9.2024, 03:53


Vlandia vlandiaKhuzait khuzait

Team [VW] Ortholโ™ฅ (6)

Team [DM] Beast the Godking (1)

18.9.2024, 03:16


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [KHG] Mert (6)

Team [IE] Aela (4)

17.9.2024, 03:09


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [UE] Ryouma (2)

Team [KHG] Rotseakh (6)

16.9.2024, 21:18


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania


Team [VW] chupapi (4)

16.9.2024, 01:27


Battania battaniaVlandia vlandia

Team [DM] Banjolord (0)

Team [IE] ambition (6)

15.9.2024, 20:25


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [SVCI] zuzujj (6)

Team [ALMO] Dartharnau (1)

15.9.2024, 20:01


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [DM] troechka (6)

Team dgsegse (1)

15.9.2024, 19:36


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [VะLE] [VoV] Regnezal (6)

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (2)

15.9.2024, 17:09


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team [VLND] Grillon (6)

Team [VoV] G H X S T the Gentleman (0)

15.9.2024, 16:32


Sturgia sturgiaVlandia vlandia

Team [KHG] Noble (0)

Team Azrael (6)

15.9.2024, 15:18


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [VะLE] Nightingale (6)

Team [SVCI] zuzujj (0)

15.9.2024, 02:16


Sturgia sturgiaVlandia vlandia

Team [VD] Garry Warband (0)

Team [Wonw] Feodras (6)

15.9.2024, 01:02


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team dhm (5)

Team [ALMO] Dartharnau (5)

15.9.2024, 00:29


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [SVCI] zuzujj (0)

Team dhm (6)

14.9.2024, 23:36