28.57% | 45.45% | 30.77% |
40.00% | 28.57% | 42.11% |
🔪 Melee kills: | 236 |
🏹 Ranged kills: | 0 |
🥏 Throwing kills: | 3 |
🐴 Mounted melee kills: | 41 |
🐴 Mounted ranged kills: | 0 |
🐴 Mounted throwing kills: | 0 |
⛑ Assists: | 215 |
Avg. assists per round: | 0.79 |
Total kills: | 280 |
Avg. kills per round: | 1.03 |
🔪 Deaths by melee: | 300 |
🏹 Deaths by bow/crossbow: | 23 |
🥏 Deaths by throwing: | 5 |
🐴 Deaths by mounted melee: | 123 |
🐴 Deaths by mounted ranged: | 3 |
🐴 Deaths by mounted throwing: | 0 |
🚝 Suicides: | 0 |
Total deaths (without tk): | 454 |
Total deaths (including tk): | 465 |
🔪 Melee damage: | 26157 |
🏹 Ranged damage: | 164 |
🥏 Throwing damage: | 334 |
🐴 Mounted melee damage: | 4906 |
🐴 Mounted ranged damage: | 0 |
🐴 Mounted throwing damage: | 0 |
🏇 Damage to (enemy) horses: | 10664 |
Total damage: | 31561 |
Avg. melee damage per round: | 114.62 |
Avg. ranged damage per round: | 1.84 |
Avg. damage per round: | 116.46 |
🏹 Shots (arrows/bolts): | 42 | ||
🏹 Hits (arrows/bolts): | 4 | ||
🏹 Shield hits (arrows/bolts): | 14 | ||
🏹 Headshots (arrows/bolts): | 1 | ||
🥏 Thrown missiles: | 27 | ||
🥏 Hit throwings: | 6 | ||
🥏 Shield hits (throwing): | 6 | ||
🥏 HS throwing: | 2 | ||
A/B HR: | 14.29 % | HS rate: | 25.00 % |
T HR: | 28.57 % | HS rate: | 33.33 % |
Note: Hit shields will be negated with shot missiles / thrown missiles, so they do not affect your hitrate. |
👢 Hit kicks: | 1 |
🥊 Onehit an enemy: | 8 |
☠ Got onehit: | 7 |
🤺 Chainattack kills: | 0 |
🏎 Horse bump kills: | 0 |
🏏 Couched enemies: | 0 |
⛰ Shot someone off a ledge: | 0 |
⛰ Threw someone off a ledge: | 0 |
⛰ Kicked someone off a ledge: | 0 |
⛰ Hit someone off a ledge: | 0 |
🔪 Melee damage: | 1460 |
🏹 Ranged damage: | 0 |
🥏 Throwing damage: | 26 |
🔪 Mounted melee damage: | 396 |
🏹 Mounted ranged damage: | 0 |
🥏 Mounted throwing damage: | 0 |
🏇 Total horse damage: | 1566 |
Total teamdamage: | 1882 |
Avg. melee teamdamage per round: | 6.85 |
Avg. ranged teamdamage per round: | 0.10 |
Avg. teamdamage per round: | 6.94 |
🔪 Melee teamkills: | 10 |
🏹 Ranged teamkills: | 0 |
🥏 Throwing teamkills: | 0 |
🔪 Mounted melee teamkills: | 2 |
🏹 Mounted ranged teamkills: | 0 |
🥏 Mounted throwing teamkills: | 0 |
Total teamkills: | 12 |
🔪 Melee damage: | 1384 |
🏹 Ranged damage: | 376 |
🥏 Throwing damage: | 47 |
🔪 Mounted melee damage: | 536 |
🏹 Mounted ranged damage: | 47 |
🥏 Mounted throwing damage: | 0 |
🏇 Total horse teamdamage: | 1566 |
Total teamdamage received: | 2390 |
🔪 Deaths by melee: | 4 |
🏹 Deaths by bow/crossbow: | 4 |
🥏 Deaths by throwing: | 0 |
🔪 Deaths by mounted melee:: | 3 |
🏹 Deaths by mounted ranged:: | 0 |
🥏 Deaths by mounted throwing:: | 0 |
Total deaths by teammates: | 11 |
# | Faction 1 | Faction 2 | Team 1 | Team 2 | Date |
Vlandia | Sturgia | Team [VW] bard Iscariot (6) | Team [BDCT] Microsoft Paperclip (3) | 21.1.2025, 19:14 | |
Battania | Vlandia | Team [АiDs] Alpharius (2) | Team KORSAN (6) | 17.1.2025, 19:15 | |
Empire | Vlandia | Team [НС] Alsandair (6) | Team [RĐ] Kevin trokl (1) | 19.12.2024, 19:34 | |
Battania | Empire | Team myth (4) | Team [SVCI] RaiNdRopz (4) | 17.12.2024, 18:35 | |
Battania | Vlandia | Team NoLo (3) | Team [SVCI] [VW] zuzujj (6) | 12.12.2024, 19:29 | |
Sturgia | Empire | Team [VW] Mono (3) | Team [НС] Alsandair (6) | 10.11.2024, 19:11 | |
Empire | Vlandia | Team [VАLE] Wastrong (6) | Team [VoV] G H X S T (1) | 8.11.2024, 20:40 | |
Vlandia | Empire | Team [SVCI] RaiNdRopz (4) | Team J~ THE DEVOURER (6) | 7.11.2024, 22:44 | |
Sturgia | Battania | Team [VW] mikulaš černak (6) | Team [CI] Asediado (1) | 7.11.2024, 21:24 | |
Sturgia | Battania | Team [VoV] pyncook (3) | Team [CFR] alspecimen (6) | 6.11.2024, 20:53 | |
Battania | Aserai | Team [BDCT] Microsoft Paperclip (5) | Team [KHG] Royalus (3) | 6.11.2024, 17:58 | |
Empire | Vlandia | Team [VW] Siberia (3) | Team [KoH] Jitflay (3) | 6.11.2024, 17:17 | |
Sturgia | Vlandia | Team [Eque] Hundi (6) | Team [VoV] G H X S T (3) | 5.11.2024, 19:10 | |
Aserai | Sturgia | Team [CI] lopez (6) | Team [KoH] Jitflay (0) | 3.11.2024, 17:03 | |
Sturgia | Aserai | Team Tchikitaaaa (6) | Team [Eque] [RT] Master Phelps (4) | 2.11.2024, 18:52 | |
Sturgia | Khuzait | Team [Div] chupapi (4) | Team Neo (5) | 1.11.2024, 19:04 | |
Sturgia | Vlandia | Team [NMDY] sogolisica99 (6) | Team Oven (3) | 31.10.2024, 20:04 | |
Battania | Sturgia | Team [KoH] Cilly (2) | Team [VW] jonasjo (6) | 24.10.2024, 21:35 | |
Sturgia | Empire | Team Lyubo (5) | Team 2 (3) | 23.10.2024, 19:35 | |
Vlandia | Aserai | Team [VSC] Exo (6) | Team [ØNÝX] ADORA VIVOS (2) | 23.10.2024, 17:44 | |
Battania | Empire | Team [CI]Canta (6) | Team [IE] RAICHU (1) | 22.10.2024, 19:25 | |
Empire | Khuzait | Team Agony Halloween Edition (3) | Team [WTF] Dest (6) | 20.10.2024, 16:46 | |
Vlandia | Khuzait | Team [KoH] Sgt Sloth (4) | Team [Eque] Rainner (4) | 20.10.2024, 15:42 | |
Sturgia | Battania | Team hollywood (1) | Team [CFR] RayZen (6) | 19.10.2024, 21:45 | |
Vlandia | Empire | Team Lyubo (3) | Team [VАLE] Nightingale (6) | 17.10.2024, 19:05 | |
Battania | Vlandia | Team [KHG] Vicente (3) | Team [KoH] Sgt Sloth (5) | 17.10.2024, 18:30 | |
Vlandia | Battania | Team [RĐ] Altar Of The Manes (6) | Team [BD][VW] Eartigues (1) | 16.10.2024, 20:32 | |
Empire | Aserai | Team [Han] Arnold (4) | Team [VW] (UNBEATABLE) Delta (6) | 16.10.2024, 19:33 | |
Khuzait | Vlandia | Team [HINQ] CooL (1) | Team [VW] (UNBEATABLE) Delta (6) | 15.10.2024, 22:01 | |
Vlandia | Empire | Team [CI] Asediado (4) | Team [KoH] Sgt Sloth (4) | 15.10.2024, 19:45 | |
Aserai | Empire | Team [VRG] The Moon (3) | Team J~ THE DEVOURER (5) | 8.10.2024, 02:22 | |
Vlandia | Sturgia | Team [SVRN] Meowdy (0) | Team [IPL] Pawiu (6) | 6.10.2024, 21:27 | |
Vlandia | Khuzait | Team [VW] [HC]Orthol (6) | Team [DM] Beast the King of Kings (1) | 18.9.2024, 03:16 | |
Vlandia | Aserai | Team [STIX] Klees (0) | Team [VoV] G H X S T (6) | 18.9.2024, 02:43 |