30.00% | 33.33% | 33.33% |
75.00% | 0.00% | 41.67% |
🔪 Melee kills: | 188 |
🏹 Ranged kills: | 2 |
🥏 Throwing kills: | 2 |
🐴 Mounted melee kills: | 26 |
🐴 Mounted ranged kills: | 0 |
🐴 Mounted throwing kills: | 0 |
⛑ Assists: | 130 |
Avg. assists per round: | 0.71 |
Total kills: | 218 |
Avg. kills per round: | 1.19 |
🔪 Deaths by melee: | 169 |
🏹 Deaths by bow/crossbow: | 35 |
🥏 Deaths by throwing: | 8 |
🐴 Deaths by mounted melee: | 113 |
🐴 Deaths by mounted ranged: | 1 |
🐴 Deaths by mounted throwing: | 0 |
🚝 Suicides: | 0 |
Total deaths (without tk): | 326 |
Total deaths (including tk): | 332 |
🔪 Melee damage: | 17212 |
🏹 Ranged damage: | 397 |
🥏 Throwing damage: | 318 |
🐴 Mounted melee damage: | 2825 |
🐴 Mounted ranged damage: | 0 |
🐴 Mounted throwing damage: | 0 |
🏇 Damage to (enemy) horses: | 5268 |
Total damage: | 20752 |
Avg. melee damage per round: | 109.49 |
Avg. ranged damage per round: | 3.91 |
Avg. damage per round: | 113.40 |
🏹 Shots (arrows/bolts): | 43 | ||
🏹 Hits (arrows/bolts): | 11 | ||
🏹 Shield hits (arrows/bolts): | 3 | ||
🏹 Headshots (arrows/bolts): | 1 | ||
🥏 Thrown missiles: | 114 | ||
🥏 Hit throwings: | 11 | ||
🥏 Shield hits (throwing): | 6 | ||
🥏 HS throwing: | 0 | ||
A/B HR: | 27.50 % | HS rate: | 9.09 % |
T HR: | 10.19 % | HS rate: | 0.00 % |
Note: Hit shields will be negated with shot missiles / thrown missiles, so they do not affect your hitrate. |
👢 Hit kicks: | 1 |
🥊 Onehit an enemy: | 3 |
☠ Got onehit: | 7 |
🤺 Chainattack kills: | 0 |
🏎 Horse bump kills: | 0 |
🏏 Couched enemies: | 0 |
⛰ Shot someone off a ledge: | 0 |
⛰ Threw someone off a ledge: | 0 |
⛰ Kicked someone off a ledge: | 0 |
⛰ Hit someone off a ledge: | 0 |
🔪 Melee damage: | 767 |
🏹 Ranged damage: | 12 |
🥏 Throwing damage: | 79 |
🔪 Mounted melee damage: | 37 |
🏹 Mounted ranged damage: | 0 |
🥏 Mounted throwing damage: | 0 |
🏇 Total horse damage: | 1051 |
Total teamdamage: | 895 |
Avg. melee teamdamage per round: | 4.39 |
Avg. ranged teamdamage per round: | 0.50 |
Avg. teamdamage per round: | 4.89 |
🔪 Melee teamkills: | 3 |
🏹 Ranged teamkills: | 0 |
🥏 Throwing teamkills: | 0 |
🔪 Mounted melee teamkills: | 0 |
🏹 Mounted ranged teamkills: | 0 |
🥏 Mounted throwing teamkills: | 0 |
Total teamkills: | 3 |
🔪 Melee damage: | 615 |
🏹 Ranged damage: | 303 |
🥏 Throwing damage: | 42 |
🔪 Mounted melee damage: | 360 |
🏹 Mounted ranged damage: | 0 |
🥏 Mounted throwing damage: | 0 |
🏇 Total horse teamdamage: | 1051 |
Total teamdamage received: | 1320 |
🔪 Deaths by melee: | 1 |
🏹 Deaths by bow/crossbow: | 4 |
🥏 Deaths by throwing: | 0 |
🔪 Deaths by mounted melee:: | 1 |
🏹 Deaths by mounted ranged:: | 0 |
🥏 Deaths by mounted throwing:: | 0 |
Total deaths by teammates: | 6 |
# | Faction 1 | Faction 2 | Team 1 | Team 2 | Date |
Battania | Empire | Team [HØTR] [VW] Arnn (0) | Team [VoV] ❖James Lindsay❖ (6) | 27.12.2024, 03:42 | |
Sturgia | Vlandia | Team J~ (2) | Team [STIX] Klees (6) | 26.12.2024, 02:18 | |
Battania | Khuzait | Team [HØTR] [VW] Arnn (5) | Team [IE] Tai Lopez (4) | 26.12.2024, 01:39 | |
Vlandia | Battania | Team [JOM] Crusader From The Future (6) | Team [HØTR] [VW] Arnn (3) | 26.12.2024, 00:52 | |
Battania | Vlandia | Team [HØTR] [VW] Arnn (4) | Team [SVCI] [VW] Zuzujj (5) | 25.12.2024, 19:28 | |
Empire | Battania | Team [RĐ] Arthur Pendragon (5) | Team [VАLE] Rolf (4) | 25.12.2024, 18:42 | |
Empire | Aserai | Team [VАLE] 98° | Giles (6) | Team [RĐ] Troulax (0) | 20.12.2024, 01:56 | |
Aserai | Vlandia | Team [VАLE] 98° | Giles (6) | Team [VW] Pablo (3) | 20.12.2024, 01:31 | |
Empire | Battania | Team [RϜ] GingyAjax (2) | Team [IE] hakai (6) | 20.12.2024, 00:55 | |
Aserai | Vlandia | Team [RĐ] Troulax (3) | Team [STIX] TheGioMan (4) | 20.12.2024, 00:08 | |
Empire | Battania | Team J~ (2) | Team [RĐ] GerarDus (6) | 19.12.2024, 23:38 | |
Battania | Vlandia | Team [VW] FrejRose (2) | Team [VoV] ❖James Lindsay❖ (6) | 30.11.2024, 03:00 | |
Battania | Empire | Team [DR] ritter (6) | Team [VW] african commander (4) | 28.11.2024, 19:09 | |
Empire | Battania | Team [VW] Chuckster of Rhodes (1) | Team [KHG] Inspire (6) | 12.11.2024, 17:54 | |
Aserai | Battania | Team [HØTS] Selwyn Tarth (4) | Team [RĐ] Arthur Pendragon (4) | 4.11.2024, 18:35 | |
Vlandia | Aserai | Team J~ (6) | Team [HØTV] Lothar Arryn (1) | 4.11.2024, 17:59 | |
Aserai | Sturgia | Team J~ (1) | Team Yogurtcuk (6) | 1.11.2024, 00:22 | |
Aserai | Battania | Team J~ (0) | Team Matim (6) | 31.10.2024, 23:39 | |
Vlandia | Aserai | Team [VW] Mono (2) | Team Israfel (6) | 30.10.2024, 22:32 | |
Vlandia | Khuzait | Team [NØRS] UBBA (3) | Team [CI] Toni (4) | 30.10.2024, 01:25 | |
Aserai | Khuzait | Team [NØRS] UBBA (0) | Team [VoV] G H X S T (6) | 30.10.2024, 00:34 | |
Vlandia | Aserai | Team Matim (1) | Team [VoV] G H X S T (6) | 24.10.2024, 03:43 | |
Vlandia | Empire | Team [DRAС] Darius (6) | Team [KHG] Rotseakh (1) | 24.10.2024, 00:23 | |
Khuzait | Vlandia | Team Ondine la Badine (6) | Team [RĐ] Blance (1) | 22.10.2024, 01:44 |