[KoH] Subridens

Total Score: 109485

Average lifespan per spawn: 1min 18.65sec
Total rounds: 625 - 306 | 0 | 319
Faction win rates (set wins)🛡

8 / 14


25 / 17


18 / 17


3 / 7


11 / 12


16 / 22

Kills 💢
🔪 Melee kills:587
🏹 Ranged kills:9
🥏 Throwing kills:8
🐴 Mounted melee kills:242
🐴 Mounted ranged kills:0
🐴 Mounted throwing kills:0
⛑ Assists:560
Avg. assists per round:0.90
Total kills:846
Avg. kills per round:1.35
Deaths ☠
🔪 Deaths by melee:544
🏹 Deaths by bow/crossbow:111
🥏 Deaths by throwing:13
🐴 Deaths by mounted melee:337
🐴 Deaths by mounted ranged:7
🐴 Deaths by mounted throwing:0
🚝 Suicides:0
Total deaths (without tk):1012
Total deaths (including tk):1041
Damage 🩸
🔪 Melee damage:56098
🏹 Ranged damage:1345
🥏 Throwing damage:1096
🐴 Mounted melee damage:30098
🐴 Mounted ranged damage:28
🐴 Mounted throwing damage:0
🏇 Damage to (enemy) horses:36359
Total damage:88665
Avg. melee damage per round:137.91
Avg. ranged damage per round:3.95
Avg. damage per round:141.86
Ranged accuracy 🎯
🏹 Shots (arrows/bolts):259
🏹 Hits (arrows/bolts):36
🏹 Shield hits (arrows/bolts):54
🏹 Headshots (arrows/bolts):6
🥏 Thrown missiles:265
🥏 Hit throwings:38
🥏 Shield hits (throwing):61
🥏 HS throwing:7
A/B HR:17.56 %HS rate:16.67 %
T HR:18.63 %HS rate:18.42 %
Note: Hit shields will be negated with shot missiles / thrown missiles, so they do not affect your hitrate.
Special stats 📊
👢 Hit kicks:92
🥊 Onehit an enemy:20
☠ Got onehit:37
🤺 Chainattack kills:10
🏎 Horse bump kills:0
🏏 Couched enemies:4
⛰ Shot someone off a ledge:0
⛰ Threw someone off a ledge:0
⛰ Kicked someone off a ledge:0
⛰ Hit someone off a ledge:0
Friendly fire delivered 🤭
🔪 Melee damage:2322
🏹 Ranged damage:140
🥏 Throwing damage:95
🔪 Mounted melee damage:615
🏹 Mounted ranged damage:8
🥏 Mounted throwing damage:0
🏇 Total horse damage:2894
Total teamdamage:3180
Avg. melee teamdamage per round:4.70
Avg. ranged teamdamage per round:0.39
Avg. teamdamage per round:5.09

🔪 Melee teamkills:14
🏹 Ranged teamkills:1
🥏 Throwing teamkills:0
🔪 Mounted melee teamkills:6
🏹 Mounted ranged teamkills:1
🥏 Mounted throwing teamkills:0
Total teamkills:22
Friendly fire received 🤬
🔪 Melee damage:1701
🏹 Ranged damage:662
🥏 Throwing damage:160
🔪 Mounted melee damage:1529
🏹 Mounted ranged damage:61
🥏 Mounted throwing damage:19
🏇 Total horse teamdamage:2894
Total teamdamage received:4132

🔪 Deaths by melee:13
🏹 Deaths by bow/crossbow:5
🥏 Deaths by throwing:1
🔪 Deaths by mounted melee::9
🏹 Deaths by mounted ranged::1
🥏 Deaths by mounted throwing::0
Total deaths by teammates:29


#Faction 1Faction 2Team 1Team 2Date


Battania battaniaAserai aserai

Team Vicente (0)

Team [Eque] RäuberFotzenplotz (6)

25.1.2025, 20:14


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team [VW] Rangan (5)

Team [Eque] bard Iscariot (5)

24.1.2025, 19:46


Aserai aseraiBattania battania

Team [RĐ] GerarDus (1)

Team [VW] Rangan (6)

24.1.2025, 14:47


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [ϜØLK] Ludovico (0)

Team [KoH] Subridens (6)

23.1.2025, 20:16


Battania battaniaKhuzait khuzait

Team aethril (4)

Team J~ (4)

23.1.2025, 19:38


Vlandia vlandiaAserai aserai

Team [IE] Kajzer (4)

Team [SVCI] RaiNdRopz (4)

22.1.2025, 19:17


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [RĐ] Altar Of The Manes (4)

Team [FØLK] met3 (3)

17.1.2025, 17:57


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team Alberus (1)

Team [FØLK] met3 (6)

17.1.2025, 17:22


Khuzait khuzaitVlandia vlandia

Team [CFR] [βLUЄ] JLAary Del caribe (6)

Team [Eque] [BWCC] VIking (3)

16.1.2025, 18:11


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team [RĐ] Israfel (1)

Team J~ (6)

16.1.2025, 17:21


Khuzait khuzaitEmpire empire

Team J~ (3)

Team [RĐ] Incognita (5)

16.1.2025, 16:52


Empire empireBattania battania

Team J~ (5)

Team [VoV] 4-hydroxyméthyltryptamine (3)

13.1.2025, 20:37


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [βLUЄ] Cadavre of Rhodes (3)

Team [KoH] Subridens (4)

13.1.2025, 19:46


Vlandia vlandiaAserai aserai

Team [ALMO] Gasset |||| (6)

Team [ϜØLK] [AR] Raven (1)

8.1.2025, 21:05


Battania battaniaVlandia vlandia

Team [IE] Kajzer (0)

Team [KHG] AlpEr Tunga (6)

8.1.2025, 20:21


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [KoH] Subridens (4)

Team [RϜ] Big Donkey Jujana (5)

6.1.2025, 20:25


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [VW] Tomppa (1)

Team [TCV] Carrysma (6)

27.12.2024, 19:31


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [НС] Alsandair (6)

Team [RĐ] Kevin trokl (1)

19.12.2024, 19:34


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [VW] Pablo (6)

Team sensei (2)

18.12.2024, 20:21


Vlandia vlandiaAserai aserai

Team [RϜ] qwueser (3)

Team [VoV] G H X S T (5)

16.12.2024, 20:35


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [SVCI] RaiNdRopz (6)

Team [ϜØLK] [AR] Argonath (1)

15.12.2024, 15:25


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [VW] MIKI (6)

Team SNIper of DARKness (1)

14.12.2024, 19:55


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [Wonw] [CI] Sir Ezequiel (6)

Team SNIper of DARKness (0)

14.12.2024, 19:27


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team J~ (4)

Team [VW] MIKI (6)

14.12.2024, 19:03


Sturgia sturgiaAserai aserai

Team Alberus (1)

Team SNIper of DARKness (6)

13.12.2024, 17:43


Empire empireKhuzait khuzait

Team J~ (6)

Team [VW] ΛriS (1)

10.12.2024, 20:36


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [ϜØLK] suffel (4)

Team [NØRS] UBBA (4)

10.12.2024, 19:24


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team J~ (4)

Team [ϜØLK] suffel (4)

9.12.2024, 20:17


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [NØRS] UBBA (4)

Team [VW] FrejRose (0)

4.12.2024, 21:18


Sturgia sturgiaVlandia vlandia

Team [RĐ] Altar Of The Manes (1)

Team [NØRS] UBBA (6)

4.12.2024, 21:02


Battania battaniaEmpire empire

Team [RĐ] Arthur Pendragon (6)

Team [RCC] Rhine (4)

4.12.2024, 20:28


Aserai aseraiVlandia vlandia

Team [VoV] 4-hydroxyméthyltryptamine (4)

Team [RϜ] Big Donkey Jujana (3)

4.12.2024, 18:59


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [NØRS] UBBA (1)

Team [АiDs] WaLkEr (6)

3.12.2024, 19:13


Empire empireAserai aserai

Team poge (0)

Team [RĐ] Altar Of The Manes (6)

3.12.2024, 18:42


Khuzait khuzaitBattania battania

Team SNIper of DARKness (1)

Team [VoV] G H X S T (6)

3.12.2024, 17:53


Sturgia sturgiaBattania battania

Team [KoH] Subridens (2)

Team SNIper of DARKness (6)

2.12.2024, 20:14


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team [ASTA] Myth (1)

Team [SDM] Microsoft Paperclip (6)

30.11.2024, 18:25


Vlandia vlandiaEmpire empire

Team [VoV] Reg (2)

Team [ŁEON] Baycu (6)

30.11.2024, 00:21


Sturgia sturgiaEmpire empire

Team [HØTS] Ser Alfred Baratheon (6)

Team [RM] DragonKing Camel Lover (3)

29.11.2024, 23:41


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [VW] KORSAN (2)

Team [STIX] Andros (6)

27.11.2024, 20:17


Vlandia vlandiaSturgia sturgia

Team [TCV] Cosimo (1)

Team [RϜ] Big Donkey Jujana (6)

27.11.2024, 01:57


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team J~ (0)

Team [VW] FrejRose (3)

27.11.2024, 00:43


Empire empireSturgia sturgia

Team [VW] FrejRose (3)

Team NoLo (4)

27.11.2024, 00:21


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [VoV] G H X S T (0)

Team [VW] FrejRose (6)

26.11.2024, 23:29


Empire empireVlandia vlandia

Team [ϜØLK] Rolf (1)

Team [RϜ] Big Donkey Jujana (6)

26.11.2024, 22:58


Battania battaniaSturgia sturgia

Team [VW] KORSAN (6)

Team [GREI] Apatchi (2)

26.11.2024, 22:31


Vlandia vlandiaKhuzait khuzait

Team Alberus (0)

Team [KoH] Subridens (6)

26.11.2024, 19:51


Empire empireBattania battania

Team [IE] Burst the Zestiny Zemon (4)

Team PLAST (5)

26.11.2024, 19:18


Vlandia vlandiaBattania battania

Team [VoV] G H X S T (6)

Team [RϜ] Big Donkey Jujana (2)

26.11.2024, 00:07


Sturgia sturgiaKhuzait khuzait

Team [ⱤDKS] Madoc (3)

Team [VoV] G H X S T (3)

25.11.2024, 23:33